Tonight Liz and I Skyped with John Lapos, the IMB missionary with whom we'll be working once we're in Thailand. The paper that I'm holding in the above picture are all the notes that we took through the course of the conversation. I am going to attempt to turn this thought-sprawl into a reasonable looking assemblage of ideas. It's quite the undertaking.
One thing though that is becoming clear is how vital it is to be Spirit-led as our departure draws nearer. There's so much that I can't control or be completely aware of and instead of being frustrated with my limitations, I should relish the freedom that I have in not needing to be in control because God is. God knows exactly where and when I'm going to mess up and He is going to use my screw-ups to bring Himself glory. How awesome is that??
At Encounter, we're doing a study on the Holy Spirit and His tangible role in our lives. I don't think it gets any more tangible than a proper understanding of His intimate awareness of my thoughts, actions, future actions, etc. And yet He still stands before God as my advocate. He knows my sin nature and still comforts me, guides me, and points me towards Truth. He dwells in me.
It's comforting to remember that the Holy Spirit is preparing me at this moment for future challenges I'm going to experience in Bangkok. He is going to instruct me in how I can glorify God in those times. Even though I don't know specifically what that looks like right now, I trust that the Spirit does know. I need to pray that I can be willing to submit myself to the authority of the Spirit and in so doing, be Spirit-led, always pointing to Jesus and His magnificent work of salvation.
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