I got a free book today!
Well it wasn't initially free but here's what happened: I accidentally purchased the paperback version of this book when I meant to purchase the Kindle version (whoops). The book arrived to my dismay a few days later. I went on the Amazon website to go about returning it and when I filled out the page that asks you to provide the reason for the return, I selected "Accidental Order," clicked to go on to the next page, and Amazon was all like, "it's on us! You can keep the book and we'll still give you the refund!"
YES. Thank you God!
I'm very pleased to have a physical copy of the book so I can share with others who want to learn more about how to be a Christian witness to Buddhists--a very pertinent topic in Thailand where Buddhist practices are so prevalent. Also, I can scribble in the margins of this copy since it was freeeeee. :)

Also, as I go through this book, I'll probably be posting things that I'm learning as I read it so be ready! Also, the author was born in Thailand and born again in Thailand. So fitting.
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