Wednesday, June 6, 2012

My "Thai"brary

I've spent a significant portion of this afternoon packing books and heaving the heavy boxes (6, to be exact) to my car. I'm the type of person who likes to bite off more than I can chew (aka, buy more books off Amazon than I can read in a lifetime, much less a year). However, moving to Thailand limits what I can bring. I will only have so many clothes and shoes, personal items, room decorations, desk accessories, and books. Many of my books that went in boxes were books from school so I didn't mourn parting with those so much. Others were books that I purchased with great excitement only to shelve them (temporarily, I said) because I didn't have time or I was reading something else. Only six books didn't go in the boxes. I want to study these books, underline and highlight things, write notes in them, and hopefully attain some of the authors' wisdom. I'm just praying that I can fit them in my suitcase...

**the ironic part of trying to fit 6 books in my suitcase is that I'm also bringing a least a dozen other books in my they say in Thailand, mai pen rai
***if I had to bring 7 books to Thailand instead of 6, which one would you suggest?

1 comment:

  1. Ummm hmmm...I can't answer know...because I couldn't pick just 6! But those books look great! Have you thought about getting anything dealing particularly with Daoism or whatever is the traditional spiritual beliefs of the region in order find the best way to approach them about Christianity? Just an idea which I am sure you have already thought of. I am thinking of you and praying for you and Liz! Wish I could see you before you go and hope I can get ahold of you beforehand too! Love you and God Bless!
