Wednesday, May 9, 2012


The reason why this blog has been a little quiet lately is because I have just returned from a 4-day trip to Cancun, Mexico. It was such a huge blessing not only because I didn't really have to pay for it ($75 for the whole "shebang") but because it was truly a relaxing vacation. I didn't have access to Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Tumblr, etc...I'm kind of ashamed to continue this list because it does go on. It felt like a retreat from reality to a place where the sand on the beaches really is white, the water is my favorite green-blue, the sun always shines, and the food is free.

Another awesome aspect of the trip was how many opportunities I had to talk about Jesus because my co-workers had learned about my impending departure from the company and move to Thailand. They were naturally curious about why on earth I would move so far away and so I got to share about how God used the vision trip back in August to engender in me a love for the Thai people and a desire to be a part of the work that He is doing through the church in Thailand. I knew God designed my Cancun vacation to be just another setting in which I could make Him famous. I was encouraged by fellow Christians that I met and conversed with and who have promised to pray for me :)

I am very grateful to have had this time to rest and soak in the beautiful Mexican sun before I move into this last month of fundraising and packing and generally closing this chapter in my life in anticipation of the beginning of a new chapter in Bangkok.

*For an update on the yard-sale that took place during my Cancun vacation, see Liz's blog. THANK YOU Swauger Family and Zac for your tireless efforts that made the yard-sale a reality.

**Also for proof that I went rappelling, ziplining, cave-snorkling, and ruins exploring, check out these pictures. During that excursion, I met a wonderful sister-in-Christ named Corina--she's the one in some of those pictures so don't be alarmed. (If you have trouble seeing the pictures of me, let me know.)


  1. I'm having trouble viewing these pictures. What was your date/tour/guide and group?

  2. I am so proud of you Claire! You are truly blessed, and I can see God working in your life. I am praying for you still as I always will. I am working hard right now to keep the tears back, because I love you and by bestie is going even farther away from me. But I know it will not be the end of our friendship, and definitely not our sisterhood. You have no idea how much of an impact you have had on my walk with Christ. God has used you so much, even if just allowing me to think about you in the past couple of years. Now, I will sorely miss you, and hopefully I will be able to visit! :) But I can truly and honestly say, that you were made for this and that the Thai people will be blessed through you, as I myself have been. Don't be a stranger girl...I can't believe it's less than a month away!
    -Your sister in Christ and best friend,
