While the cost of living in Thailand is cheaper than many other places in the world, I still need to raise support to live there long-term. Living costs will be about $500/month for 12 months.
This includes food, water, transportation, ministry costs (taking students out for coffee/tea), tithing, phone bill, classroom supplies, emergency medical/evacuation insurance, and purchasing necessities (toilet paper, soap, etc). Housing costs and some meals are covered by the BSC while we are there, however, we are on our own to raise money for our daily needs, as well as "pre-trip" needs.
How can you help financially?
1. You can be a monthly sponsor. If just 30 people will choose to sponsor me for $15, $30 or $60 a month for 15 months, beginning in March, I will be fully sponsored. I will be leaving with Liz for Thailand in June, so the extra money raised from March and April would be set aside to pay for my airfare home (roughly $1,100). If you want to give in increments other than the ones listed above, by all means, do! Every sponsorship will make a huge difference.
2. You can also be a one-time sponsor. There are some initial costs I need to raise support for. Also, there is the cost for my TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) training ($150), airfare ($1,100), additional shots and vaccines, an international phone, and supplies (like luggage). One-time donations will be used to help cover these costs.
How can you be a prayer warrior?
Pray that God uses my ministry as a teacher at the Baptist Student Center. As a teacher, I will be in a unique position to have relationships with Thai students that I otherwise would not have. Pray that I can honor and glorify Him in these relationships and in my teaching (something I've never done before).
Pray that Liz and I are able to serve and minister at LifePoint BKK and in so doing further God's Kingdom in Bangkok.
Pray for boldness in proclaiming the gospel.
Thank you in advance for your prayers and for your financial support. It means so much to me. More than that, your support offers a way for you to get involved in what God is doing in Thailand. God bless you!