Please bear in mind that English is Chao's second language so if anything is unclear, you can blame me because I edited it ;)
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Chao on a LifePoint "vision trip" to India #missionary |
1. When did you first hear about Christianity? What did you think when you first heard about it?
When I was young, I knew that there were three main religions: Buddhism, Islam and Christianity. I was born in Buddhist family so I only knew Buddhist doctrine. I didn’t know much about the other religions except that they were foreign religions.
One day, when I was maybe around 10 or 12 years old, I was watching a children's TV show about the bible and the host of the show announced that they would send gift sets to the viewers who sent mail to the show. I wanted that gift set so I sent a letter to the show. After that they sent me a gift set and some stuff with beginner lessons about Jesus. The introduction of the lessons said that if I learned from the stuff and did the exercises that were enclosed and sent them back, I would get a certification. From a kid’s perspective, I didn’t think too deeply about it because I just wanted the certification.
So, I learned from the stuff about God and the story of Jesus and what he had done even though I didn’t understand it very well. I just did the exercises and sent them back. They sent me the certificate and challenged me to learn more about God. However, when my mom found out that I was studying about Christianity, she disapproved because she thought that Christianity wasn’t the right way to follow. She forbade me from learning more and threw all of the lessons away.
At that time, I just knew a little more about Christianity but I didn’t understand about the concepts of God. I didn’t think about whether God exists or not. I focused on studying in school in order to get a better life in the future instead of thinking about the meaning of life.
2. How did you become a Christian? What led you to accept Christ?
When I was a freshman in the college, one of my friends told me that she was a Christian. She shared her experience and how God had blessed her. At first, I thought that she was trying to convince me to believe in God. I thought that it was fine for her to believe that but I couldn't see any reason why I should change my religion.
One day, when I met her at a cafeteria, she introduced me to her friend who was the leader of Christian Club. He shared the whole Gospel from when God created the world to the resurrection of Jesus and he challenged me to prove the truth of God by spending time with him and the other Christians. I didn’t know if I could trust the things that he told me but I felt like there was some possibility that the story was true. Plus, I thought that I had nothing to lose to prove the facts. Maybe I could find the meaning of life but if it wasn’t true, I could just leave them behind and go back to the old way.
I spent time with Christians, joined a small group and went to church. The more time I spent with them, the more I knew God and got many answers for the questions that I never knew to ask. The leader of the Christian Club told me that I had to acknowledge that I was a sinner and needed God to take away all of my sins and welcome Him to my life. I did as he told. I learned so many things from them until I couldn't deny the truth of the bible.
3. How did your family respond to your decision to accept Christ?
From the day that I accepted Christ, I didn’t say anything about Christianity or that I had become a Christian to my family because my mom didn’t agree with Christianity. I was scared that my family would try to stop me from trusting in God and then I couldn’t join my brothers and sisters in Christ.
Another reason is that I was afraid that my parents wouldn't believe what I said and think that I was obsessed with Christianity (in their eyes, a source of failure) and seem like I can’t fulfill their expectations for me. In their minds, if I don't have worldly success, they feel like I'm not mature and it’s harder to make them trust me. I decided to tell my younger brother that I’m Christian but haven’t shared the details and the Gospel yet.
Update: Chao's Facebook status on May 27th, 2013 "Thank God I had an opportunity to share about God to my best friends. They listened and we had a discussion, but I believe that there were some seeds falling in their hearts although I couldn't make them clear. We can still be friends and I love the way that God helped me. Joyfully!!"
[**Please pray that Chao can continue to be a witness to his family and friends**]
4. What has been your experience with church? What is your favorite part of belonging to the local church?
I am constantly encouraged by our brothers and sisters in Christ through their lives. They point me to Christ. I can see their heart to follow God’s will even though they have problems. When we agree with God’s grace and love, we can follow His will together.
5. Do you have anything else you'd like say about your life in Christ?
I have made so many mistakes in my life but the only right decision that I never feel sorry about having made is believing in God and accepting his grace into my life. Actually I should say He chose me! I’ve been disciplined by Him and for Him. I couldn't rely on myself but now I can rely on Him and in the big picture, I don’t have anything to worry about. God’s love and grace is enough.
There’s nothing that can stop His glory and majesty, even our failure.